Just be yourself!

By nature, politics is set to divide people. Whether you like it or not, gradually our mindsets start to think by the categories we are forced into. People become blue, red, left or right and it pigeonholes them into thinking certain ways and controlling their responses to situations. We lose the ability to think critically and with balance and instead start acting like “we should” according to some dictate.

“Unity” is a term that sounds great, but its also a divide and conquer mechanism. “Be with us”, “together we can conquer <insert evil force name>”. It can also get things done en masse, but its fundamentally a political mechanism to get people to do things. People not doing this are labelled various things that indicate they are not “united with us”, creating division using “us” and “them”.

With direct democracy you are not aligned to any one way of thinking, you don’t sign up for membership and then do as that group dictates. Instead, the privacy of your own environment you make your own choices related to a public decision.

On some topics, you might decide to vote “blue”, on others “red”. Its all situational and noone is pressuring you to vote any way, its all up to you.

We believe we don’t need a layer of politics dictating how anyone should think. We also don’t think we should be surrendering all our power to politicians and have them “vote on our behalf”.

Instead we think we should be making the decisions ourselves individually, however way that may evolve is entirely personal choice.

Over time this will help kiwis get back to thinking more for themselves instead of running with whatever some politician tells us. Once we start thinking and acting for ourselves again, we can rebuild the structure of the way we operate as a nation and as individuals.

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