Whats wrong with the system we have?

If a system serves it’s controllers well, it stays. The real magic is when the people it serves are also convinced by the controllers that the system is right for them too..

So the controller’s job is to create a kind of matrix that most people will benefit from.

Eventually, over years, if the people do benefit, they become dependent on that system to keep the benefits rolling in. Unless things change and they no longer need those benefits. But for most, once they are on a good thing they stick with it.

For most, governments might not be be perfect but they do usually make life easier. We don’t have to think about everything, they do it for us. That’s why we elect people to do that job. In our own lives we have enough of our own stuff to think about and get done let alone all the stuff relating to everyone else in the world.

We give them our voting power and a third of our money so they can do this job and get everything done that needs to be done for everyone.

We start out giving them this voting power on the proviso they represent what we need. If they give us this then we vote them in again and they get to keep their job.

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