Today we launched a non political, leaderless, political party with only one policy. It can’t really get any simpler in terms of concept.


Every political party throughout the world has leaders just dying to control and tell us how it will be, ultimately serving their own agendas and egos and not the people. If the people want anything done, they have to plead with coerce or heavily influence a politician usually with votes or cash.

We don’t think that’s acceptable any longer and that the people should be deciding directly what goes on.

This party is only going to have one policy- ASK THE PEOPLE. The party itself will not have any view on anything political. Internal decisions will not be made by one person, they will be made by the members democratically.

People voting for the party know there’s only one motive and that’s to get the peoples’ voices to be legally binding hence just one policy.

It should be fun, and we will run a pretty fun campaign aimed at ordinary kiwis and basically just talking about getting voters to agree that people are the thing not politicians.

Not rocket science, and neither should it be.

Say goodbye to politics controlling New Zealand…..


2 thoughts on “Launch of political party

    1. Thank you, welcome to Direct Democracy in New Zealand’s website, please feel free to comment on our posts and add your perspective.

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