The system is geared towards the empowerment of politicians, when in reality we should be voting for no person to vote on our behalf, we should only be directly voting on matters of substance and we should be doing it ourselves.

The meme above isn’t just saying this it’s also saying that politicians cannot be trusted to keep promises, listen to concerns, help the poor or even to care.

At the end of the day, everything depends on all “nobody’s” to become “somebody”.

We understand why they don’t want to. We understand the apathy.

Mostly people don’t bother because there’s no point. Why make all the effort to understand something and vote, only to find that the vote carried no weight and that politicians are just going to do do as they wish anyway.

Direct Democracy changes all that… now votes do actually matter… politicians cannot do as they wish.
But you do need to vote.

Absolutely noone can do that for you.

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