Waitangi Tribunal begins historic wānanga-ā-rohe on Māori sovereignty in Ngāruawāhia
The Waitangi Tribunal’s Constitutional Kaupapa Inquiry (Wai 3300) is inviting critical dialogue at the first wānanga-ā-rohe on Māori sovereignty and …
The Waitangi Tribunal’s Constitutional Kaupapa Inquiry (Wai 3300) is inviting critical dialogue at the first wānanga-ā-rohe on Māori sovereignty and …
The debate over whether Maori Chiefs intended to cede sovereignty when they signed the Treaty of Waitangi is an academic debate, that doesn’t …
As any schoolkid might tell you, US elections are based on a bedrock principle: one person, one vote. Simple as that. Each vote carries the same …
“Math is power” is the tag line of a new documentary, “Counted Out,” currently making the rounds at festivals and community screenings. (It will have a limited theatrical release next year.) The film explores the intersection of mathematics, civil rights and democracy. And it delves into how an …
Australia’s two major parties — the Australian Labor Party (ALP) and the Liberal-led Coalition — are steadily declining in popularity, mirroring …
The results of this year’s elections remind us that we are a diverse nation, made up of not just red and blue states, but also blue and red dots …
Some scholars say that it’s to blame for our political dysfunction—and that we need to start over. All republican governments live in fear of the man on the white horse. A republican government, like ours, is a system of rules designed to prevent any one person or faction from hijacking the …
With polls showing a national election that’s closer than ever, it can be tempting to appreciate the predictability of California’s politics.Unlike …
The people who brought you ‘Leave Means Leave’ are now banging the drum for a re-run of the 2024 General Election. A petition calling for another …
By: Alex B. Rivard and Benjamin Ferland. (Version française disponible ici)Following the last Quebec election in October 2022, many analysts once again …