Fundamental political governance problem

We think that a key fundamental problem with parliament and almost every politically empowered organisation lies in separating decision making from influence.

Both concepts are necessary but it’s essential the processes are separated.

Influence is everything up for discussion: it involves literally all of the ideas, the revelation of concepts and revelation of information. It is literally all the debate and discussion and everything that there is to discuss including all of the agendas and the political influence and all of the various tactics.

This is what politicians do all of the time. This crucial phase is necessary to bring out all of the depth and Insights and everything relating to a thought stream around a particular subject… but this is not democracy.


Democracy is the process of making the actual decision from all the available information that has been discussed politically.

The crucial problem here is that in almost all of western society the political influences are also the decision makers. By this we specifically mean that politicians do all of the talking and all of the discussion but they also crucially they make the actual decisions too, and this is where the corruptions sneaks in.

We think that what crucially needs to happen here is that the existing process stays as it is with there being discussion about everything. However we consider that this should be done with experts rather than politicians.


But crucially the final stage of making the decision should always rest with those that are being affected by the decision-making ie the public.

This is where there things go seriously awry and where there’s almost no process whatsoever and certainly no substantive legal basis.

Direct Democracy brings that framework and completes the circle from discussion and issues through to decision and implementation.

Its time to keep political influencers like politicians as influencers only. And make the experts and the public the deciders.

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