Upcoming Release of our public decision making system.

Shortly we hope to announce a date for a major breakthrough New Zealand’s public decision-making process. Our new system has been designed to remain neutral and not take any sides. Instead, it will present all sides of a debate and enable people to vote on them and add more debates and more substance to existing ones.

When it does come, it will be feature laden, tested in the real world and be on the back of 7 years of development. That said, we acknowledge it will still only be the beginning and it will something we will continue to improve, with your continued support.

The site will be suitable for all regardless of political perspective, it will take no sides and and it’s intention is to enable the public to directly participate in country and community.

Diversity of opinions is key in an inclusive and democratic society. With a fair and neutral approach, this new system will transparently and comprehensively present different perspectives. From the pros to the cons, each viewpoint will be given space to be heard and considered.

Through the ability to vote in this system, the public will have the opportunity to directly participate in the decision-making process. By casting their votes, every individual will have an equal contribution in determining the direction of public decisions.

We believe that with our system that accommodates various viewpoints plus all the necessary security, integrity, function to support real democracy we can create an environment that supports healthy and constructive dialogue, deeper understanding, and more representative decisions overall. Let’s utilise this system together to build an inclusive, diverse, and democratic society.

We do need assistance in this! Time, attitude, skills and money always help! Email us he***@dd**.org if you have something you could consider offering, more details here.

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