DDNZ Change your cover photoUpload Change your cover photoUpload Change your cover photo DDNZ DDNZ This user account status is Approved About About Posts Posts Comments Comments Thank you, welcome to Direct Democracy in New Zealand's website, please feel free to comment on our posts and add… On Launch of political party 100% agree. You understand exactly what the problem is and welcome. Please consider joining as a member. Thank you! On Don’t like the system? Change it! In basic terms it looks a like Switzerland in terms of how it would work, but done down to a… On Don’t like the system? Change it! Yes, its easily the best large scale existing for democracy in the world. There's tiny pockets developing but nothing as… On Don’t like the system? Change it! Important to understand that we are talking about using a similar process to the Swiss System but what the people… On Don’t like the system? Change it! At present under New Zealand law the public have no legal power to force anything on an authority. So in… On Don’t like the system? Change it!